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You know exercise is good for you. You look for ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, and you set aside time for longer workouts at least a few times a week. But if your aerobic workouts aren't balanced by a proper dose of strength training, you're missing out on a key component of overall health and fitness.
To further emphasize the importance of strength training, some competitive sports enlist muscles selectively to achieve a competitive result. Even different positions in a team favor particular muscle groups. A quarterback does not have the same requirements as a linebacker. Designing weight training programs to emphasize the needs of a particular sport or player is common in today’s competitive world of sport and fitness and is often what gives an athlete their edge.
Men and women reach peak strength around 20 to 25 years of age. After age 25, strength generally decreases an average of 1% per year. Therefore, a 65 year old would only have about 60% of the strength they had at age 25. Individuals who are more active, or those who continue to strength train, can considerably decrease this tendency for declining muscular strength. Being that muscle mass naturally diminishes with age, if you don't do anything to replace the muscle you lose, you'll increase fat. But strength training can help you preserve and enhance your muscle mass — at any age.
Weight Training Can Help You:
  • Improve your sporting and athletic performance by increasing strength, power and endurance
  • Improve your balance and increase flexibility
  • Reduce your risk of injury - building muscle protects your joints from injury
  • Develop strong bones – by stressing your bones, strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis
  • Reduce your body fat and increase lean body mass (muscle mass
  • Improve your sense of well-being - strength training can boost self-confidence, improve your body image and reduce the risk of depression
  • Get a better night’s sleep - people who strength train regularly are less likely to struggle with insomnia
Eating for muscle building and strength training should involve a good nutritional balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat; as well as adequate water consumption. SoLo bars offer the perfect nutritional solution as they provide the long-term energy required to fuel your intense workouts. At the same time, each bar contains an excellent source of high quality protein (11-13 grams), which you need to build (and maintain) new muscle tissue. SoLo tastes great and the portion size is perfect to fuel any workout.
Usage Instructions:
Eat 1-2 SoLo bars 30 to 60 minutes prior to your workout, depending on the duration and intensity. If required, you can also refuel part way through your training session with an extra ½ to 1 SoLo bar. SoLo is also the perfect recovery food to refuel and replenish after your workout; with each bar containing 23-26 grams of carbohydrates, 11-13 grams of protein and a good balance of antioxidants for cell recovery.
Final tip: Remember to consume at least 200-400mL of water with each SoLo bar(s) to ensure proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
Interesting Tidbit: Dumbbell Origin
"The original dumbbell was an apparatus contrived like that for ringing church-bells; that is, a heavy fly-wheel with a weight attached, which was set in motion like a church-bell, until it acquired sufficient impetus to carry the gymnast up and down, and so bring the muscles into active play. There is one at New College, Oxford, to the present day. The modern weights, so called, produce similar results, in a less cumbrous and more agreeable manner." – Words, facts, and phrases; a dictionary of curious, quaint, & out-of-the-way matters (1908) by Eleizer Edwards
Look Who’s SoLo Powered
Are You a SoLo Powered Weight Lifter or Strength Training Enthusiast?
We would love to hear how SoLo is adding strength to your workouts and weight lifting routine! Please send your story along with photos of yourself to info@solo-gi.com and you may be selected as one of our featured SoLo Powered athletes. We also welcome feedback in any fashion related to weight lifting and strength training; so send us your favorite links, books or relevant information.
Recommended Links
Designing a Full Body Workout
American College of Sports Medicine
The Virtual Sports Injury Clinic: Information on over 100 sports injuries with explanations and suggestions for rehab and recovery
Q&A and Articles of Interest
Fat Loss & Weight Training Myths
Strength Training Basics
Weight Lifting and Strength Training in the News
NaturalNews.com – Feature articles on strength training
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