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You owe it to yourself to get the most out of your golf game. Considering the cost of the equipment AND the green fees, as well as the precious time away from the “demands” of life - your nutritional status, physical conditioning and state of mind play a large role in the success you achieve, but also what you take away from the game at the end of the day.
Golf as a “sport”, places unique demands on your body such as the repetitive movements taken during the swinging action. To reduce the incidence of injury and also keep you satiated throughout your game, adequate and balanced nutrition can definitely help. When you think of it, nutrition really is the “spice of life” – meaning, what you put into your body determines what you get out of it!
When you are adequately nourished (and hydrated), your body performs like a well-oiled machine and this includes precision activities like golf. It is a well-known fact that the best golfers in the world are in peak physical condition (i.e. Tiger Woods), which we know is fueled by a high-octane diet. The muscle used to drive the ball down the fairway is a precious commodity and needs to be constantly nourished (and hydrated) to be maintained.
SoLo bars can provide the ideal fuel for your golf game. The convenient shelf-stable 200-calorie size makes it great to throw in your bag to fuel up before the game, to take during the game for a quick snack, or to have on hand for the back nine to keep you going when you need it most. Read below for more specific usage instructions.
Usage Instructions:
Ideally, you would enjoy 1 bar prior to the start of your game, ½ to 1 bar half-way through and ½ to 1 bar afterwards to help your body replenish and recover. Being that the average golf game takes 21/2 to 5 hours, consuming 400 – 600 calories during this time should be perfect. Not too much, not too little - just enough to keep you powered throughout!
Of course, if you plan to supplement with other foods during your game, you can adjust the amount of SoLo bars eaten accordingly. Final tip: Also remember to drink adequate water and fluids with SoLo (200-400 mL per bar) to ensure proper absorption of nutrients and proper digestion. The goal is to keep you adequately satiated and energized throughout your game, and beyond.
Look Who’s SoLo Powered
Are you using SoLo to help your golf game?
We would love to learn how SoLo is giving your game an edge. Please send your story along with photos of yourself to info@solo-gi.com and you may be selected as one of our featured SoLo Powered athletes.
Recommended Golf Links
Golfing the Globe
Golf Course Pictures – Photo Galleries of Great Golf Courses
TeeMaster – Golf Rules Q&A
Golf in the News
Men’s Fitness Magazine names Tiger Woods Fittest Man (May 18, 2008)
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